10 Ways to Find the Perfect Candidate
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10 Ways to Find the Perfect Candidate

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Recruiting may involve technology, but it’s a relationship-first specialty. Any relationship that gets off on the right foot has the best chance of succeeding.

Balance Technology with the Human Touch

In a busy schedule, hiring can become a tactical task out of necessity. You have a position to fill and a timeline to fill it. But maybe what you’re missing is the right job platform—a tool that helps you narrow the candidate pool to get the job done. Many employers notice that the technological efficiency of an AI tool often compromises the human touch.

So when it comes to finding your perfect candidate, you’ll want to investigate a method that offloads your stressors but involves intention, deep listening, and the power of connection. Hiring and growing a team of capable, motivated, skilled individuals who will stick with you over the long haul is less about filling a position and more about honing the right strategy.

Take the Next Steps to Transform your Hiring Process

While you can likely dwindle down the names on a list until you have someone who can do a cleaning job, or fill your position as a line cook or AV technician, why settle for a patchwork method that eats up your schedule? We’ve turned to experts and have experience working with impressive candidates and employers, and we have ten tips to help you find the perfect candidate:

  1. Don’t ask habitual questions. Ask questions that give you a deeper understanding of the candidate and how they match the role.

  2. Be equitable. Don’t ask your candidates to do an evaluative task unless you compensate them.

  3. Take out the surprise element on both sides. Invite the candidate for a shadow shift.

  4. On the shadow shift, watch how they treat the least experienced person on the team. It says a lot about a person.

  5. Golden rule–treat others how you want to be treated. Show up on time, make them comfortable, and offer accommodations up front if they apply to the candidate.

  6. Provide the interview questions in advance. Reflection isn’t cheating!

  7. Apply to your own jobs. This will let you reflect on the pre-screening questions you ask and whether they’re adding or retracting from the candidate experience.

  8. Don’t get stuck on the resume. Look past experience to include aptitude and attitude, or you’ll miss talent!

  9. Ask for feedback; it’s the only way to improve your process!

  10. Find the right support tool to ensure success and reserve your time for other important tasks.

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

You want to spend your time on quality. And more than anything, your time is valuable. This is why a digital tool that helps you control skills, experience, and location cuts down on time spent sifting through resumes. Recruiting may involve technology, but it’s a relationship-first specialty. Any relationship that gets off on the right foot has the best chance of succeeding.

Consider FindWRK, a platform that gives hiring managers greater control over their wallets so that they can spend more of their time connecting and problem-solving with the support of efficient technology.

Employers can immediately generate short lists of qualified candidates from the 19,000+ local job seekers based on skillset, experience, availability, location, and more.

It’s free for job seekers, and employers only pay when they want to interview an interested, qualified candidate. Change can inspire fear, but leaning in can lead to competence. How will you embrace change to grow your organization?

Works Cited:

How to Hire the Right Person. The New York Times. (2023, February, 22). https://www.nytimes.com/guides/business/how-to-hire-the-right-person

(2022, October 12). Council Post: Picking the Right Person for the Job: 13 Tips for Interviewers. Forbes. (2023, February, 22). https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2020/04/14/picking-the-right-candidate-for-the-job-13-tips-for-interviewers/?sh=5cc77a06d68d

(2021, March, 08). When to Take a Chance on an Imperfect Job Candidate. Harvard Business Review. (2023, February 22). https://hbr.org/2021/03/when-to-take-a-chance-on-an-imperfect-job-candidate

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